Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Nurse Bugsy

My little brother Brandon has been really sick this week. Ironically, he's sick with the stomach bug--I resent that implication!!! He's been vomiting and all he wants to do is rest and cuddle. No complaints here. I make sure to stick close, just in case he needs anything from me. Sometimes I even sit ON him, just so he's sure to know that I care. I hate to see him sick. I mean, when I have a stomach ache, I just eat some grass. But, Brandon doesn't seem to want to eat anything. Except for an occasional cracker, which I am happy to share every once in a while. Poor sick puppy...


Anonymous said...

Poor little guy! (And poor parents!) That is the worst! I hope Brandon recovers quickly. He is too darn cute - even when he's sick!

Unknown said...

Really nice of you guys to stay with Brandon until he gets well. Our mom says when she's pressured holding us calms her down.

Mocha Barney, Ashley Pumpernickel and Winniechurchill