Friday, October 29, 2010

Taking Requests

Dear Brandon,

Molly and I really appreciate the way you always think to share your food and snacks with us. We don't even have to beg, and you oblige us with some goodies. It is convenient for us, that you prefer to eat your puffs while standing at the coffee table. Occassionally, I will jump right up and grab one for myself--if you are a little slow to offer--but usually you are right on top of things. You are always fair in your distribution. Ordinarily, it is tough for me to compete with Molly, since she is the food motivated Bugg of this bunch. But you always practice your "One for you, one for you, and one of me" approach. Perfect!

Although we are most appreciative of your tendency to share with us, I have to admit, I am getting kind of tired of mango flavored puffs, gold fish crackers, and cheerios. Are you open to taking requests? Why don't we try chunks of beef, peanut butter snacks, or shreded chicken? Maybe scrambled eggs? Hey, Buggs like chicken fried rice too. Just a gentle suggestion.
Very truly yours,


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I mean, who doesn't love mango flavored puffs??? :) I hope Brandon gets some chunks of beef in his snack trap soon - for Bugsy's sake!